Changing West by Thomas Hart Benton

The Realities of an Engineering Degree

Tim Chinenov
8 min readJan 3, 2019

This last December I completed my B.S. in Computer Engineering, an accomplishment of a four and a half year endeavor. The journey through this degree was not what I or many of my peers had expected it to be. Truthfully, I thought being an engineer would involve me tinkering with electronics, motors, and gizmos endlessly.

Instead, the following four and a half years were filled with constant learning of material my immature brain was not quite prepared for. While I believe my institution does a good job at transitioning students from high school to college, the majority of freshmen simply cannot fathom the effort and discipline required to succeed in a STEM degree. Four years of painstaking persistent dedication.

This is not to say I have not enjoyed my academic experience in engineering. On the contrary, I’m disappointed now that I will not have access to the brilliant teachers and minds at my school. Yet, I think it is dangerous to enter a field with false notions of what is entailed. For one, this can result in a considerable loss of time and money. For novice engineers or those considering pursuing the field, I hope to dispel incorrect beliefs or stereotypes of an engineering degree.

Classes Focus on Theory and Fundamentals

For the first solid year, possibly two, engineers learn the absolute basic mathematical backgrounds required for the majority of their field. Classes perform a broad exploration of various math topics. Content can often feel random, and it’s application not immediately clear. In Calculus I, topics covered include linearization, Taylor series, and various trigonometric integration techniques. I cannot remember when I last used any of the above methods or topics. Yet, this does not suggest such topics are pointless.

Impractical or arcane matter can often discourage students. Few freshman poses a mindset to learn for the sake of learning. Many early college students view school as an obstacle guarding free time. A practical use is often demanded. Yet, that is not necessarily the purpose of these prerequisite and introductory classes. Such classes cannot predict which facet of mathematics you will use the most in your future career. Tyro electrical engineers learn how to derive Laplace and Fourier transforms. Mathematics in Biomedical Engineering can rely more heavily on statistics. Computer scientists focus entirely on logical proofs and discreet mathematics for their first two years. These prerequisite courses attempt to dissolve uncertainty by covering a slew of content.

The classes that are taken towards the end of a graduate degree, tend to be more pertinent to the work that one might find in the real world. Yet, even these advanced courses still focus on ingraining fundamental concepts. Classes familiarize students with the underlying math. Many of these concepts have already been black boxed into tools for engineers in the work force. Once you enter industry, programs such as Matlab or python libraries become a common substitute for hand worked solutions.

An understanding of how a block box works is still valuable. Who knows, your black box may fail one day. These advanced classes, again, attempt to prepare a fresh graduate for an array of complex problems. Just the way prerequisite math classes cannot predict the mathematics a undergraduate student will use late in their curriculum, advanced classes cannot predict what challenges and applications one will be faced within the work force.

Applied Experience Comes From Yourself

I don’t believe I touched a circuit board until my third semester of college (although I did write code). This applies to most engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers may learn the dynamic equations behind a prototypical mass-spring-damper system, but the students will hardly ever implement and observe such a theoretical system. Chemical engineers will have entire classes dedicated to designing theoretical plant systems, but, mostly for financial reasons, will never go out and build said plant. Since the majority of class work is theoretical, the most applied experience an engineering student can get is outside of a classroom.

To this reason, I find students gain much industry preparation from their activities outside of class. Hands on clubs — Rocket club, Engineers without borders, Undergraduate Research, and Electronics club — give students an opportunity to use their knowledge on application. Chalk board math is given a purpose through such club projects. STEM activities tend to expose students to using relevant software, tools, and hardware that are likely to be found in the field. One of my college acquaintances graduated and directly went to work for SpaceX. They previously interned at Tesla and JPL before hand. The student attributed their success in obtaining these positions largely to their involvement in our schools Formula One club.

Having external experiences can make students standout to recruiters more than a high GPA. While a high GPA does demonstrate a strong level of discipline and ability to learn quickly, it does not suggest that an applicant is practical. Companies are pragmatic. While a business can wait two to three weeks to catch you up to speed, in a ten to twelve week internship, this is not preferable. Having previous hands-on experience is not only useful, but lucrative as well.

This does not mean that class work and content is frivolous. From my comments on the theoretical nature of classes and the benefits of extracurricular activities, it may be easy to think this. Class work is undoubtedly important, as it develops the fundamentals necessary to make the most of ones projects. The difference between a tinkerer and an engineer is that a tinkerer plays with components until something works, while an engineer understands why components work and can apply mathematical principles to make them work better.

There is a lot of Math

This thought may appear trivial. Yet, I find that incoming students grossly underestimate just how much math there is in an engineering degree. Before entering college, few have an idea of what it means to only do math. We wake up and do math for the next ten or more hours. After brushing my teeth, I go work on differential equations. Before lunch I try to wrap up some statistical analysis code. While I wait for a friend in a cafe I parse my linear algebra notes. The fun doesn’t cease.

Depending on the sect of engineering, the math can get pretty imaginative. Engineering is not going to be four years of applied Pythagoras theorem or even basic derivatives. Many given problems also have a distinct answer. Unlike a rudimentary high school English paper, students cannot fiddle their way to a result. Professors occasionally give partial credit, but one cannot rely on merely partial credit to get by.

Few freshman poses a mindset to learn for the sake of learning. Many early college students view school as an obstacle guarding free time.

I find those that truly become successful engineering students, are those that get engrossed and enthralled in the math. These are students that truly enjoy the subject matter and see their degree as more than a means to an end. There is a great level of satisfaction that is obtained from understanding difficult concepts and to be able to prove or apply them.

I believe the understanding of the mathematical rigor of an engineering degree is crucial. Many students get quickly burdened by the intensity of college. Unless you are an adept planner or came with numerous number of credits, many semesters will have the constant pressure reminiscent of a marathon. There will be a continuous reminders that work needs to be done. Becoming lackadaisical with study habits or home works is a quick road to falling behind. A simple out of state interview or conference trip alone can easily take a toll on one’s ability to commit to deadlines or retain a proper sleep schedule. Only once you complete your last final exam of the semester, does it feel like you can breath again.

This discussion can come of as intimidating, and I mean it to be. A STEM degree is not a joke. But, I don’t mean to dissuade people from the field. There are many degrees and realms of engineering that use arguably simpler mathematics. Furthermore, some areas of engineering are not made for everyone. I for one, am terrible at chemistry and have dreaded every related course.

I’ve met engineering students that do not necessarily want to be career engineers. Some go for an MBA or law school after their bachelors of science. I even know a chemical engineer whose first job upon graduation was for a financial firm as an accountant. So, one’s success in understanding niche and complicated maths is not a necessity for success in the field. Yet, if one falls into the above categories, they must have realistic expectations of what their undergraduate experience will be like and hold themselves to achievable and realistic standards.

The Field is Evolving

Over the four and a half years I spent obtaining my degree, I watched the engineering and technology field rapidly change. The industry right now is growing at an alarming rate, and it’s exciting. The main skills searched for during my first career fair differed from those in my last career fair. This can also be seen when working in industry. Companies are placing a bigger emphasis on simulation modeling, cyber security, and statistical modeling.

How does this change affect the degree? Personally, I found it to be considerably difficult to stick to a single specialization. Towards the end of their college degree, students customarily develop a concentration. A electrical engineer may specialize in power, a civil engineer may specialize in road systems, etc. With such a slew of new fields entering the computer engineering realm, such as computer vision, robotics, machine learning, embedded controls, and control systems, it is easy to become inundated by your curiosity. Some companies are enthusiastic in hiring people with diverse backgrounds. But, more often than not, companies like to see specialization.

Additionally, there is an apparent lag between industry and university. Many universities will not provide the most modern and relevant courses to students. The department I belonged to gained a machine learning course during my last semester, which felt rather underdeveloped. I’m aware that for many colleges it’s incredibly rare to have advanced topics, such as robotics and artificial intelligence, as available as classes.

Due to this delay with industry, it lies on the initiative and independence on the individual student to gain experience on these fields. A suitable substitute for absent classes can be found in undergraduate research and self-learning.

In my first lecture at university, which was ironically a psychology class, the professor spoke the common sentiment, “The point of college is not to get a degree or to become a good engineer, but to learn how to learn.” A proper engineering degree will teach a student to be able to work independently, intelligently skeptical, and have a strong work ethic. But none of this is obtained easily.

This piece isn’t meant to deter people from the degree. In fact, more people should become part of this progressive and vital industry. However, coming in with a correct understanding of what the degree entails will better prepare you for the struggles and hurdles associated with it. Every student is surprised by some aspect of this degree. Being prepared to respond appropriately can greatly benefit.



Tim Chinenov
Tim Chinenov

Written by Tim Chinenov

A SpaceX software engineer. Im an equal opportunity critic that writes about tech and policy. instagram: @classy.tim.writes

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